Showing 1–16 of 46 results
CO2 sensor | Range 0 – 2000 ppm
Temperature, RH, CO2, Dew point
Temperature, CO2, RH, Dew point
Temperature, Relative Humidity, CO2
CO2 concentration transmitter with two…
CO2 concentration transmitter with two…
CO2 concentration transmitter with RS2…
CO2 concentration transmitter with RS4…
CO2 concentration transmitter with RS4…
Remote CO2 concentration with Ethernet…
Remote CO2 concentration with Ethernet…
Temperature, humidity, CO2 transmitter…
Temperature, humidity, CO2 transmitter…
Temperature, humidity, CO2 transmitter…
CO2 concentration transmitter with RS2…
CO2 concentration transmitter with 4-2…
A wide range of CO2 Monitors, Carbon dioxide data loggers and CO2 Sensors to choose from!
COMET CO2 monitor range includes devices with built-in CO2 sensor with LCD display or LED range display. Carbon Dioxide monitor range with CO2 sensor on probe and duct mount options enables users to monitor a wide variety of applications.
CO2 transmitter range is available with outputs 4 – 20mA, 0 – 10V, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, GSM, RS232, RS485 and more.
Why measure CO2 concentration?
Carbon dioxide CO2 is an integral part of the air we breathe. With each of our exhalations, its concentration in an enclosed space increases. This fact affects the state of our concentration, concentration, quality of sleep and the feeling of fatigue. Neglecting proper ventilation is dangerous to human life, because the CO2 displaces oxygen and causes danger of suffocation.
How do we measure CO2 concentration?
The measurement is based on the NDIR principle with dual wavelength, which automatically compensates for the aging process of the sensor. The sensor is dirt-resistant and provides maintenance-free operation with excellent long-term stability and the recommended re-calibration interval is an amazing 5 years.